CHEP 2015 Abstracts



    • 08:00 08:05
      VecGeom: A new vectorized geometry library for particle-detector simulation 5m
      Speaker: Sandro Christian Wenzel (CERN)
    • 08:05 08:10
      Status and Roadmap of CernVM 5m
      Speakers: Gerardo Ganis (CERN), Jakob Blomer (CERN)
    • 08:10 08:15
      Large-Scale Merging of Histograms using Distributed In-Memory Computing 5m
      Speaker: Jakob Blomer (CERN)
    • 08:15 08:20
      CernVM WebAPI - Controlling Virtual Machines from the Web 5m
      Speaker: Ioannis Charalampidis (CERN)
    • 08:20 08:25
      Progress in Geant4 electromagnetic physics modeling and validation 5m
      Speaker: Prof. Vladimir Ivantchenko (CERN)
    • 08:25 08:30
      The GeantV project: preparing the future of simulation 5m
      Speaker: F. Carminati
    • 08:30 08:35
      Adapting Geant4 to task parallelism 5m
      Speaker: John Apostolakis (CERN)
    • 08:35 08:40
      Geant4 Computing Performance Benchmarking and Monitoring 5m
      Speaker: Soon Yung Jun (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
    • 08:40 08:45
      [merged] 5m
      GeantV: first vector physics models merged with Detector Simulation On Modern Coprocessors
      Speaker: Soon Yung Jun (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
    • 08:45 08:50
      Detector Simulation On Modern Coprocessors 5m
      Speakers: Philippe Canal (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Soon Yung Jun (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
    • 08:50 08:55
      ROOT6: the quest for performance 5m
      Speaker: Danilo Piparo (CERN)
    • 08:55 09:15
      The ROOT 6 Runtime 20m
      Speaker: Axel Naumann (CERN)

      The ROOT 6 Runtime 

      ROOT 6 can do all of C++ - thanks to its interpreter cling which in turn is based on the industrial strength compiler llvm / clang. With the transition from CINT to cling, all the runtime type information infrastructure (the well known "dictionaries") had to be adapted, too.

      This contribution will explain how the binding of user and experiment classes to ROOT currently happens and how this binding is migrated to C++ modules. It will also present these modules in the context of the upcoming C++ standards, where they are seen as a way to accelerate compilation time by factors. The presentation will showcase the advantages of using a compiler as an interpreter back-end and introduce the current areas of development for the interpreter.

    • 09:15 09:35
      Using R in ROOT with the ROOT-R package 20m
      Speaker: Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)
    • 09:35 09:55
      New developments in the ROOT function and fitting classes 20m
      Speaker: Lorenzo Moneta (CERN)
    • 09:55 10:15
      Clad - Automatic Differentiation Using Cling/Clang/LLVM 20m
      Speakers: Lorenzo Moneta (CERN), Vasil Georgiev Vasilev (CERN)
    • 10:15 10:20
      ROOT 6 and beyond: TObject, C++14 and many cores. 5m
      Speaker: Philippe Canal (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
    • 10:20 10:25
      Base ROOT reference guide on Doxygen 5m
      The ROOT reference guide is part of the code. Classes description, methods usage, examples etc... are all embedded with the code itself. Doxygen is the reference model allowing to extract the documentation from such self described system. The ROOT documentation requires the development of specific tools (scripts) in the Doxygen context. The proposed project is these tools writing.
      Speaker: Mr Olivier Couet (CERN)
    • 10:25 10:45
      New Continuous Integration and Automated Testing Environment for ROOT 20m
      Speakers: Dr Pere Mato Vila (CERN), Philipp Fritz Schoppe (Fachhochschule Münster Münster Uni. of Applied Sciences (FR))
    • 10:45 10:46
      How do particle physicists learn the programming concepts they need? 1m
      (The speaker will be designated at a later stage)
      Speaker: Dr Maria Grazia Pia (Universita e INFN (IT))
    • 10:46 10:47
      Testable physics by design 1m
      (The speaker will be designated at a later stage)
      Speaker: Dr Maria Grazia Pia (Universita e INFN (IT))
    • 10:47 10:48
      Experimental quantification of Geant4 PhysicsList recommendations: methods and results 1m
      (The speaker will be designated at a later stage)
      Speaker: Dr Maria Grazia Pia (Universita e INFN (IT))
    • 10:48 10:49
      Scientometrics of Monte Carlo simulation: lessons learned and how HEP can profit from them 1m
      (The speaker will be designated at a later stage)
      Speaker: Dr Maria Grazia Pia (Universita e INFN (IT))
    • 10:49 10:50
      First statistical analysis of Geant4 software quality metrics 1m
      (The speaker will be designated at a later stage)
      Speaker: Elisabetta Ronchieri (INFN)