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Amin Abdolvand
(University of Dundee)
- Speaker at Material Studies into EO Crystals
Alexandra Alexandrova
(University of Liverpool/Cockroft Institute)
- Speaker at Laser SM-based velocimetry on Liquids
Rob Ashworth
(University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Welcome / Admin & Logistics
- Thomas Aumeyr (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Andrii Borysenko (KIT)
- Cheng Chang (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Enrica Chiadroni (INFN - LNF)
Andreas Döpp
(Centro de Laseres Pulsados)
- Speaker at Diagnostics in laser wakefield accelerators
- Ralph Fiorito (University of Liverpool)
- Thomas Hofmann (CERN)
- Rasmus Ischebeck (PSI)
- Bryce Jacobson (RadiaBeam Technologies)
- Nathalie Lecesne (Unknown)
- Pengnan Lu (HZDR)
- Hadj-Bachir Mokrane (PSI)
- Kamil Nowacki (FOTON)
- Rui Pan (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))
- Gaetano Scamarcio (U Bari)
Liangliang Shi
(DESY / UMan)
- Speaker at HOM BPM at FLASH
Mateusz A. Tyrk
(University of Dundee)
- Speaker at Material Studies into EO Crystals
- Alessandro Variola (LNF)
- Sergey Vinogradov (University of Liverpool)
Carsten Welsch
(Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Optical Diagnostics – State of the art and Future Trends
- Speaker at Summary & Conclusion
- Hao Zhang (University of Liverpool)