Giancarlo Ferrera
(University of Milan)
20/10/2014, 14:15
Alessandro Vicini
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)), Prof.
Doreen Wackeroth
(SUNY Buffalo)
20/10/2014, 15:25
Homero Martinez
(INFN Pavia)
20/10/2014, 16:30
Alessandro Vicini
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
20/10/2014, 17:00
Jan Stark
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
21/10/2014, 09:00
- focus on experience, successes and limitations of the MC tools used (Resbos, PHOTOS, ...)
- any other relevant aspects in this context
Stefano Camarda
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
21/10/2014, 09:30
- give the basic setting (starting points for the two experiments)
- discuss a basic procedure for systematics
- ATLAS PDF ongoing studies
- what can be done to lower the systematics (i.e. new NNPDF set, measuremnt with 7,8,13 TeV)
- LHC data used to constrain the uncertainties, and how
Mariarosaria D'Alfonso
21/10/2014, 10:00
This talk is on the muon momentum calibration, EM calibration and MET. Not on the methods but more on general problematics.
- general differences between experiments Tevatron vs LHC (ATLAS vs CMS)
- theoretical uncertainties on the Z lineshape-- i.e. FSR effect on lepton calibration
- how port the calibrations from the Z to the W
Luca Perrozzi
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
21/10/2014, 11:00
- give the basic setting ( powheg, RESBOS, tune: starting points for the experiments)
- is the same between experiments ?
- discuss a basic procedure for systematics
- LHC data used to constrain the uncertainties, and how
(TBC) Maarten Boonekamp
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
21/10/2014, 11:30
- other theoretical aspects not covered before (polarization, ...)
- what we need to have to disentangle any discrepancies (i.e. on the theoretical syst between experiments)
- what we need to publish to allow the theorists to help us to study how to lower the theoretical syst uncertainties
- usefulness of other distributions (lepton Pt, boson pt)