3 October 2014
Other Institutes
GB timezone


Session 1

3 Oct 2014, 10:10
Moore Lecture theatre (Other Institutes)

Moore Lecture theatre

Other Institutes

Moore Lecture theatre, Royal Holloway University of London Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey


Session 1

  • Jochem Snuverink (CERN, RHUL)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Stewart Boogert (Royal Holloway, University of London)
03/10/2014, 10:10
Andrei Seryi (John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science)
03/10/2014, 10:15
Timothy Hughes (Siemens)
03/10/2014, 10:35
Claire Timlin (University of Oxford)
03/10/2014, 10:55
Simon Jolly (University College London)
03/10/2014, 11:15
Building timetable...