News from BSM, Higgs and supersymmetry
This half-day meeting of the NExT institute will gather international research leaders and early career researchers to discuss recent progress and developments towards the new SM with a particular emphasis on Higgs physics, BSM searches, and astro-particles gearing up towards net year's high-energy run of the LHC.
Participation is free of charge and talks will run from 13:00 - 18:30.
The NExT Institute is a regional alliance in the South-East of England (SEPnet) to promote Particle Physics at the interface between theory and experiment.
Student events:
- 1030 - 1130 meeting of the year-1 NExT students (SEPnet room)
- 1130 - 1200 informal meeting of all NExT students (SEPnet room)
- 1200 - 1230 NExT graduate school session: NExT students and lecturers