News from BSM, Higgs and supersymmetry
The programme and schedule can be found under 'Timetable' and includes:
- Steve Abel - Gauge mediation of exact scale breaking and novel Higgs potentials
- Agni Bethani - Higgs at CMS and ATLAS
- Ulrik Egede - Status and challenges for rare decays in LHCb
- Gudrun Hiller - A challenge to lepton universality
- Daniel Litim - From asymptotic freedom to asymptotic safety
- R. Lopez - A light Higgs in a strongly interacting electroweak symmetry breaking sector
- Veronica Sanz - BSM in the light of future colliders
- Marc Thomas - Model-independent exclusion of the light stop scenario
- Iacopo Vivarelli - Search for stops and sbottoms at ATLAS: status and prospects