2:00 PM
Multi-threaded event processing with JANA
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
2:25 PM
TMVA- the toolkit for multivariate data analysis
Joerg Stelzer
2:50 PM
PDE-FOAM - a probability-density estimation method based on self-adapting phase-space binning
Dominik Dannheim
3:15 PM
The Role of Interpreters in High Performance Computing
Axel Naumann
4:10 PM
The ATLAS Conditions Database Model for the Muon Spectrometer
Monica Verducci
(INFN RomaI)
4:35 PM
PARADIGM, a Decision Making Framework for Variable Selection and Reduction in High Energy Physics
Sergei V. Gleyzer
(Florida State University)
5:00 PM
Track Reconstruction and Muon Identification in the Muon Detector of the CBM Experiment at FAIR
Andrey Lebedev
(GSI, Darmstadt / JINR, Dubna)
5:25 PM
Fireworks: A Physics Event Display for CMS
Christopher Jones
5:50 PM
An overview of the b-Tagging algorithms in the CMS Offline software
Christophe Saout
(CMS, CERN & IEKP, University of Karlsruhe)