End-user Services and Operating Systems
- connie sieh (Fermilab)
- Sandy Philpott (JLAB)
End-user Services and Operating Systems: End-user Services and Operating Systems
- connie sieh (Fermilab)
- Sandy Philpott (JLAB)
End-user Services and Operating Systems: End-user Services and Operating Systems
- Sandy Philpott (JLAB)
- connie sieh (Fermilab)
Lisa Gerhardt
(LBNL), Mr
Yushu Yao
23/03/2015, 14:00
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
SciDB is an open-source analytical database for scalable complex analytics on very large array or multi-structured data from a variety of sources, programmable from Python and R. It runs on HPC, commodity hardware grids, or in a cloud and can manage and analyze terabytes of array-structured data and do complex analytics in-database.
We present an overall description of the SciDB framework and...
Michel Jouvin
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
23/03/2015, 14:25
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
The HEP Software Foundation (HSF) is a one year old inititative to foster collabarotion in software development in the HEP community and related scientific communities. Launched by a kick-off meeting at CERN in April 2014, the first year has been spend to better define what HSF should be. An HSF workshop was held in January at SLAC and HSF is now entering is "implementation phase". This talk...
Andreas Wagner
23/03/2015, 14:50
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
- Status of CERN Web Services
- Overview
- Web Site Life Cycle Management
- Web Analytics
- CERN’s Enterprise Social Networking System
- Motivation & purpose
- Feature overview: microblogging, profiles, social networking, suggestion systems and discussion forums
- CERN Search...
Thomas Baron
23/03/2015, 15:15
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
A lot of visible and behind-the-scene actions have been taken in recent months to prepare CERN conferencing services (Indico, Vidyo, the webcast and conference rooms services) for challenges to come. These services will be described in terms of features and usage statistics. We will present their integration to the CERN layered cloud infrastructure, and with other IT base services. We will...
Connie Sieh
23/03/2015, 16:05
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
Current Status of Scientific Linux
Arne Wiebalck
23/03/2015, 16:30
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
In this talk we will present a brief status update on CERN's work on CentOS 7, the uptake by the various IT services, and the interaction with the upstream CentOS community.
Emyr James
(Wellcome Trust, Sanger Institute)
23/03/2015, 16:55
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a charitably funded genomic research centre. A leader in the Human Genome Project, it is now focused on understanding the role of genetics in health and disease. Large amounts of data is produced at the institute by next-generation sequencing machines. The data is then stored, processed and analysed on the institute's computing cluster.
The main compute...
Nils Hoimyr
24/03/2015, 10:55
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
An update will be given on the status of collaborative tools for software developers, Version Control Services (Git and SVN), Issue Tracking (JIRA), Integration (Jenkins) and documentation (TWiki)
The presentation will focus on collaborative ascpects for software developers and report on progress since the fall meeting.
Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch
24/03/2015, 11:15
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
After more than ten years of operations the game is over
for Exchange 2003 at DESY. Now Zimbra has been set into
production and data from both Exchange 2003 and the UNIX
mail service is being migrated and consolidated gradually.
The architecture of the Zimbra mail service, the migration
procedures and some experiences will be presented. Finally
we will look at some integration aspects of...
Nils Hoimyr
24/03/2015, 11:40
End-User IT Services & Operating Systems
Status of LHC@home, volunteer computing at CERN and for the LHC experiments. The presenter will give an update on the volunteer computing strategy for HEP and different scenarii for use of volunteer cloud computing or other lightweight cloud infrastructes to run experiment code under CernVM on available computing resources. Furthermore, the current status of the CERN BOINC server...