17–19 Feb 2015
FBK, Trento
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beamtests of HPK/KEK n$^+$-in-p pixel sensors for ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade inner tracker

18 Feb 2015, 14:40
"Stringa" Conference Hall (FBK, Trento)

"Stringa" Conference Hall

FBK, Trento

Via Sommarive, 18 38123 Povo - Trento ITALY


Daiki Yamaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))


ATLAS upgrade for foreseen High Luminosity LHC will require the high radiation tolerance on Pixel Detector. The n$^{+}$-in-p silicon technology is a promising candidate for the pixel upgrade, due to its radiation hardness and cost effectiveness. We have developed n$^{+}$-in-p planar pixel sensors produced by HPK (Japan) connected by bump bonding to the ATLAS read out chip FE-I4. The new sensors were irradiated with 70 MeV protons at a fluence of $5 \times 10^{15} \ {\rm n_{eq}/cm^{2}}$. The beam tests with 4.0 GeV positron at DESY were carried out in 2013 and 2014. From the analyses on irradiated sensors the hit efficiency under the bias rail with large offset is found to be similar to the one without bias rail. The reconstruction and analysis for long-staggered pixel in test beams at DESY is in progress. In addition, reconstruction in dense particle environment is on-going for the test beam with 2.5 and 14.0 GeV electrons at SLAC in 2014. This talk presents these analysis summary.


Daiki Yamaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))


Collaboration ATLAS PPS (AS CR, Prague, LAL Orsay, LPNHE / Paris VI, Univ. Bonn, HU Berlin, DESY, TU Dortmund, Univ. Goettingen, MPP and HLL Munich, Univ. Unide-INFN, KEK, Tokyo Inst. Tech., IFAE-CNM, Univ. Geneve, Univ. Liverpool, UC Berkeley, UNM-Albuquerque, UC Santa Cruz) Division Semiconductor (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K) Junya Usui (University of Tsukuba (JP)) Kazuhiko Hara (University of Tsukuba (JP)) Kazuki Motohashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)) Kazuki Todome (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)) Mr Kazuki Yajima (Oosaka University (JP)) Kazunori Hanagaki (Osaka University (JP)) Ken Yamamoto (Kyoto University of Education (JP)) Kimihiko Kimura (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)) Koji Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) Mutsuto Hagihara (University of Tsukuba (JP)) Naoki Ishijima (Osaka University (JP)) Osamu Jinnouchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)) Ryuichi Takashima (Kyoto University of Education (JP)) Ryutaro Nishimura (Kyoto University of Education (JP)) Silicon Group ATLAS Japan (KEK, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Oosaka Univ., Kyoto Univ. Edu., Univ. Tsukuba, Waseda Univ.) Dr Takanori Kono (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) Mr Tomoya Shintani (Oosaka University (JP)) Yasutaka Arai (Osaka University (JP)) Yoichi Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) Ms Yoko Yamauchi (Oosaka University(JP)) Yoshinobu Unno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))

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