Planar Sensors 2
- Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB))
Clara Nellist
(LAL-Orsay (FR))
18/02/2015, 14:20
It is known that for the current design of planar pixel sensors, there is a drop of efficiency at the punch-through structure of the biasing system at the edge of pixels. Various geometries, as part of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITK) upgrade, are being investigated to reduce this inefficiency.
A planar pixel sensor with multiple alternative bias rail geometries has been tested at the SPS beam...
Daiki Yamaguchi
(Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
18/02/2015, 14:40
ATLAS upgrade for foreseen High Luminosity LHC will require the high radiation tolerance on Pixel Detector.
The n$^{+}$-in-p silicon technology is a promising candidate for the pixel upgrade, due to its radiation hardness and cost effectiveness.
We have developed n$^{+}$-in-p planar pixel sensors produced by HPK (Japan) connected by bump bonding to the ATLAS read out chip FE-I4.
The new...
Yoshinobu Unno
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
18/02/2015, 15:00
We have been developing planar-process pixel sensors in p-type 6-in. silicon wafer for an application in ATLAS detector for the luminosity upgrade of the large hadron collider (HL-LHC). Our motivation is to develop a highly radiation-tolerant and cost-effective pixel sensor for covering large area of the pixel detector. In the 1st prototype pixel sensors, after irradiation and beamtest,...