13–19 Jun 2015
University of Alberta
America/Edmonton timezone
Welcome to the 2015 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2015!

Improving Physical Models of Qubit Decoherence and Readout

16 Jun 2015, 15:45
CCIS L2-200 (University of Alberta)

CCIS L2-200

University of Alberta

Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité Theoretical Physics / Physique théorique (DTP-DPT) T3-2 Quantum Computation and Communication (DTP-DCMMP-DAMOPC) / Communication et calcul quantique (DPT-DPMCM-DPAMPC)


Prof. Bill Coish (McGill University)


Qubit coherence measurements are now sufficiently accurate that they can be used to perform 'spectroscopy' of noise due to a complex environment. Measuring not only the decay time, but also the form of decay as a function of some external parameter (e.g. temperature) can determine the nature of the dominant decoherence source. I will describe how temperature-dependent measurements of qubit decoherence time and form of decay can distinguish between a number of different possible sources of environmental charge flucutations (including tunneling and cotunneling with a continuum band, as well as one- and two-phonon absorption processes). These results can be used to identify and suppress dominant charge-noise dephasing mechanisms in semiconductor nanostructures. I will also briefly discuss some new tricks to enhance the fidelity of generic qubit readouts by understanding the physical dynamics of these systems.

Primary author

Prof. Bill Coish (McGill University)

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