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13–19 Jun 2015
University of Alberta
America/Edmonton timezone
Welcome to the 2015 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2015!

A pump-probe technique to measure the Curie temperature distribution of exchange-decoupled nanoscale ferromagnet ensembles

16 Jun 2015, 15:45
NINT Taylor room (University of Alberta)

NINT Taylor room

University of Alberta

Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) T3-1 Materials characterization: electrical, optical, thermal (DCMMP) / Caractérisation des matériaux: électrique, optique, thermique (DPMCM)


Prof. Simone Pisana (York University)


Heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) has been recognized as a leading technology to increase the data storage density of hard disk drives[1]. Dispersions in the properties of the grains comprising the magnetic medium can lead to grain-to-grain Curie temperature variations, which drastically affect noise in the recorded magnetic transitions, limiting the data storage density capabilities in HAMR[2]. In spite of the need to investigate the origin of the Curie temperature distribution ($\sigma_{Tc}$) and establish means to control it, no approach to measure $\sigma_{Tc}$ has been available. We have recently presented a method to measure the switching temperature distribution of an ensemble of exchange-decoupled grains with perpendicular anisotropy subject to nanosecond heating pulses of varying intensity[3]. The rapid cooling rate ensures that the grain magnetization is not affected by thermal activation, so that the grains switch at Tc. A switching temperature distribution can then be directly interpreted as a measure for $\sigma_{Tc}$. Here we summarize the results of this measurement routine to a series of FePt HAMR media samples in which the degree of *L*$1_{0}$ chemical ordering and alloy composition is systematically varied. We also present modeling results based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch formalism that validates the experimental approach and provides experimental bounds for its validity[4]. Measurements of $\sigma_{Tc}$ reveal a sizable dependence, which we interpret in the context of thermodynamic drive for disordered to ordered crystalline structure phase transformation. Besides the ability to measure $\sigma_{Tc}$, which is of importance to engineer suitable HAMR media capable of high density magnetic recording, the presented technique can be applied to studies on the competition between Zeeman energy and thermal fluctuations that affect the switching probability upon cooling from Tc. [1] D. Weller, O. Mosendz, G.J. Parker, S. Pisana, and T.S. Santos, Phys. Status Solidi A 210, 1245 (2013). [2] H. Li and J.-G. Zhu, IEEE Tran. Magn. 49, 3568 (2013). [3] S. Pisana, S. Jain, J.W. Reiner, C.C. Poon, O. Hellwig, B.C. Stipe, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 162407 (2014). [4] S. Pisana, S. Jain, J.W. Reiner, O. Mosendz, G.J. Parker, M. Staffaroni, O. Hellwig, B.C. Stipe, IEEE Tran. Magn., in press.

Primary author

Prof. Simone Pisana (York University)


Dr Barry Stipe (HGST, a Western Digital Corporation) Dr Gregory Parker (HGST, a Western Digital Corporation) Dr James Reiner (HGST, a Western Digital Corporation) Dr Matteo Staffaroni (HGST, a Western Digital Corporation) Dr Olav Hellwig (HGST, a Western Digital Corporation) Dr Oleksandr Mosendz (HGST, a Western Digital Corporation) Dr Shikha Jain (HGST, a Western Digital Corporation)

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