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13–19 Jun 2015
University of Alberta
America/Edmonton timezone
Welcome to the 2015 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2015!

Spin pumping in electrodynamically coupled magnon-photon systems

17 Jun 2015, 14:30
NINT Taylor room (University of Alberta)

NINT Taylor room

University of Alberta

Oral (Non-Student) / orale (non-étudiant) Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) W2-1 Spintronics and spintronic devices (DCMMP) / Spintronique et technologies spintroniques (DPMCM)


Dr Lihui Bai (University of Manitoba)


Lihui Bai$^{1}$, M. Harder$^{1}$, Y. P. Chen$^{2}$, X. Fan$^{2}$, J. Q. Xiao$^{2}$, and C.-M. Hu$^{1}$ $^{1}$Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada R3T2N2 and $^{2}$Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA We use electrical detection, in combination with microwave transmission, to investigate both resonant and non-resonant magnon-photon coupling at room temperature. Spin pumping in a dynamically coupled magnon-photon system is found to be distinctly different from previous experiments. Characteristic coupling features such as modes anti-crossing, line width evolution, peculiar line shape, and resonance broadening are systematically measured and consistently analyzed by a theoretical model set on the foundation of classical electrodynamic coupling. Our experimental and theoretical approach pave the way for pursuing microwave coherent manipulation of pure spin current via the combination of spin pumping and magnon-photon coupling.

Primary authors

Prof. C.-M. Hu (University of Manitoba) Prof. J. Q. Xiao (University of Delaware) Dr Lihui Bai (University of Manitoba) Mr Michael Harder (University of Manitoba) Dr X Fan (University of Delaware) Mr Y. P. Chen (University of Delaware)

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