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13–19 Jun 2015
University of Alberta
America/Edmonton timezone
Welcome to the 2015 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2015!

Principles and methods enabling atom scale electronic circuitry

15 Jun 2015, 13:45
CCIS L2-190 (University of Alberta)

CCIS L2-190

University of Alberta

Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) M1-2 Organic and Molecular Electronics (DCMMP-DMBP-DSS) / Électronique organique et moléculaire (DPMCM-DPMB-DSS)


Robert Wolkow (University of Alberta)


Quantum dots are small entities, typically consisting of just a few thousands atoms, that in some ways act like a single atom. The constituent atoms in a dot coalesce their electronic properties to exhibit fairly simple and potentially very useful properties. It turns out that collectives of dots exhibit joint electronic properties of yet more interest. Unfortunately, though extremely small, the still considerable size of typical quantum dots puts a limit on how close multiple dots can be placed, and that in turn limits how strong the coupling between dots can be. Because inter-dot coupling is weak, properties of interest are only manifest at very low temperatures (milliKelvin). In this work the ultimate small quantum dot is described – we replace an “artificial atom” with a true atom - with great benefit. It is demonstrated that the zero-dimensional character of the silicon atom dangling bond (DB) state allows controlled formation and occupation of a new form of quantum dot assemblies - at room temperature. It is shown that fabrication geometry determines net electron occupation and tunnel-coupling strength within multi-DB ensembles and moreover that electrostatic separation of degenerate states allows controlled electron occupation within an ensemble. Single electron, single DB transport dynamics will be described as will conduction among collectives of DBs. Some results and speculation on the viability of a new “atomic electronics” based upon these results will be offered. As new technologies require new fabrication and analytical tools, a few words about robust, readily repairable, single atom tips will be offered too. This tip may be an ideal scanned probe fabrication tool.

Primary author

Robert Wolkow (University of Alberta)

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