W1-3 Special session to honor Dr. Akira Hirose III (DASP-DPP) / Session spéciale en l'honneur du Dr Akira Hirose III (DPAE-DPP)
- Alexandre Koustov (U)
Johnathan Burchill
(University of Calgary)
17/06/2015, 08:45
Atmospheric and Space Physics / Physique atmosphérique et de l'espace (DASP-DPAE)
Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité
Earth's ionized upper atmosphere is ablated into space at a rate of 1 kilogram per second. This outflowing flux is comprised of significant amounts of heavy ions, such as oxygen, whose source populations in the F region ionosphere are sufficiently cool (~1000 K) to be strongly gravitationally bound to the Earth. Here lies a mystery: What processes operate on the cool, dense, low-altitude (*F*...
Richard Marchand
(University of Alberta)
17/06/2015, 09:15
Atmospheric and Space Physics / Physique atmosphérique et de l'espace (DASP-DPAE)
Oral (Non-Student) / orale (non-étudiant)
Solar Orbiter is a European Space Agency (ESA) mission scheduled for launch early in 2017, with the objective of providing observations of unprecedented quality of the sun and solar wind at locations ranging from 0.28 to 0.9 astronomical units (AU). During its journey, Solar Orbiter will experience a vast range of space-environment conditions, including intense radiation and solar wind plasma...
Andranik Sarkissian
17/06/2015, 09:30
Plasma Physics / Physique des plasmas (DPP)
Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité
Plasma, known also as the forth state of mater, constitutes over 99.9% of our universe. However, our planet appears to be an exception to the rule, where plasma, in its natural state, exists only rarely. The incentive for human to generate and study plasma state started as scientific curiosity, but it has grown into an important enabling industrial tool, with applications in variety of...
Zachary Tchir
(University of Alberta)
17/06/2015, 10:00
Plasma Physics / Physique des plasmas (DPP)
Oral (Student, Not in Competition) / Orale (Étudiant(e), pas dans la compétition)
The ultrafast laser generated high harmonics is currently a hot research topics. Higher order harmonics generation in a 0.5 mm thick ZnO bulk crystal irradiated by ultrashort pulses from mid IR laser has been reported recently [1]. Because of the long interaction length in the bulk media the effects from self phase modulation become significant and the consequences are deformation of the ...