Andrei Andreyev
Beta-delayed (EC/b+, b-) fission is a rare nuclear decay process in which the beta-decaying parent nuclide populates excited states in its daughter, which may then fission. This process allows studies of low-energy fission properties, e.g., the poorly known isospin dependence of the fission barriers of neutron-rich and neutron-deficient nuclei which do not decay via spontaneous fission at all.
In the presentation, recent experiments at ISOLDE(CERN) and at the velocity filter SHIP (GSI, Darmstadt) will be reviewed, in which ECDF was unambiguously observed for the first time in several very neutron-deficient nuclides in the Pb-Fr region.
The studies were performed by the Leuven-Darmstadt-CERN-Bratislava-Liverpool-Orsay collaboration.
Andrei Andreyev