17–19 Nov 2008
Europe/Zurich timezone

Results from Transfer Experiments in the Island of Inversion

19 Nov 2008, 15:25
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Mr Vinzenz Bildstein (Physik-Department E12, TU München)


Thirty years after the discovery of the ``island of inversion'' [1] the borders of the island are still not well determined and in particular the evolution of the single-particle structure is not well investigated. Transfer reactions yield important spectroscopic information, i.e. spin and parity assignments as well as spectroscopic factors, complementary to the information obtained in Coulomb excitation [2]. Since the transfered nucleon can occupy excited states, the properties of these states can be studied as well. In order to study transfer reactions in inverse kinematics at REX-ISOLDE with MINIBALL a new setup was built covering a large solid angle. This new setup overcomes the limitations of previous transfer experiments performed at REX-ISOLDE [3]. In the first experiment the nucleus $^{31}$Mg which is right on the edge of the ``island of inversion'' was studied via the d($^{30}$Mg, $^{31}$Mg)p reaction. Preliminary results of this beam time which took place last year will be shown as well as future plans for transfer experiments at REX-ISOLDE. [1] C. Thibault et al., Phys. Rev. C 12, 644 (1975) [2] O. Niedermaier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 172501 (2005) [3] M. Pantea, PhD Thesis, TU Darmstadt, Germany (2005) *supported by BMBF 06MT238, DFG Cluster of Excellence ``Origin of the Universe'' and the EU through RII3-EURONS (contract no. 506065).


Mr Vinzenz Bildstein (Physik-Department E12, TU München)


Ms Kathrin Wimmer (Physik-Department E12, TU München) Prof. Piet Van Duppen (IKP, KU Leuven) Prof. Reiner Krücken (Physik-Department E12, TU München) Dr Roman Gernhäuser (Physik-Department E12, TU München) Dr Thorsten Kröll (Physik-Department E12, TU München)

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