Michael Thoennessen
(Michigan State University)
18/11/2008, 14:10
The discovery of new isotopes is the first step in the exploration of the properties of the most exotic nuclei. At the NSCL we applied different techniques to produce and identify new isotopes. With the Modular Neutron Array (MonA) it is possible to study the spectroscopy of nuclei close to and even beyond the neutron dripline.
Haik Simon
(Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH (GSI))
18/11/2008, 14:40
The light nuclei region in the chart of nuclei is recently subject to intense theoretical studies starting from ab initio calculations or using phenomenologic
few body approaches. All of these have in common, that they reveil or explore an intrinsic property of these systems: the appearance of strong clustering effects, showing the importance of residual interactions in a mean field picture. ...
Elisabeth Tengborn
(Chalmers University of Technology)
18/11/2008, 15:10
The post-accelerator for radioactive beams, REX-ISOLDE, provides beams of energies of 0.3-3.1 MeV/u. Thus, it enables the study of the majority of the nuclides available at CERN-ISOLDE through low-energy reactions. This opens the possibility to use Coulomb excitation, fusion and transfer reactions as spectroscopic tools for studying exotic nuclei.
Exotic light nuclei are being studied...