8–11 Sept 2015
Santiago de Compostela
Europe/Zurich timezone

Collisions of two projectiles on two targets in the BFKL approach

10 Sept 2015, 10:30
Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela


Prof. Mikhail Braun (Department of High Energy Physics, Saint-Petersburg State University, S. Petersburg, Russia)


High-energy collisions of two nucleons on two nucleons are studied in the BFKL approach in the leading approximation in $\alpha_sN_c$. Total cross-section as well as single and double inclusive cross-sections for gluon production are considered. Diagrams both with and without redistribution of colour are taken into account. It is found that intermediate BKP states consisting of 4 reggeized gluons give a contribution which may be observable in deuteron-deuteron scattering.


Prof. Mikhail Braun (Department of High Energy Physics, Saint-Petersburg State University, S. Petersburg, Russia)

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