Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Participant List

53 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Allen Egon Cholakian Harvard University
Anna Karlsson Chalmers University of Technology
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis Leibniz University Hannover
Axel Kleinschmidt Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Bianca Letizia Cerchiai Politecnico di Torino e Centro Fermi
Charles Strickland-Constable CEA/Saclay
Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat University of Cambridge
Chen-Te Ma National Taiwan University
Chris Blair University of Cambridge
Chris Hull Imperial College London
David Andriot MPI, AEI Potsdam-Golm
David Berman Queen Mary
Diego Marques IAFE
Edvard Musaev Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Mathematics
Emanuel Malek LMU Munich
emilio torrente-lujan Theoretical physics, U. Murcia
Eric Bergshoeff Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen
Euihun Joung Seoul National University
Falk Hassler Max Planck Institute for Physics
Felix Rudolph Queen Mary University of London
George Moutsopoulos Bogazici University
Georgios Papadopoulos Kings College London
Hagen Mathias Triendl CERN
Jakob Palmkvist Texas A&M University
Jeong-Hyuck Park Sogang University
Jose Alejandro Rosabal Rodriguez Universidad de Buenos Aires
Jose J. Fernandez-Melgarejo Harvard University
Juan Jottar ETH Zürich
Junyeong Ahn Seoul National University
Kanghoon Lee Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Larisa Jonke Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Martin Cederwall Chalmers Univ. of Technology
Masaki Shigemori Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Minwoo Suh Sogang University
Mohsen Alishahiha IPM
Murat Gunaydin Penn State University
Nakwoo Kim Kyung Hee University
Olaf Hohm MIT
Pascal du Bosque Max Planck Institute for Physics
Ralph Blumenhagen Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik
Rob Leigh University of Illinois
Sang Heon Yi Yonsei University
Sergey V. Ketov Tokyo Metropolitan University
Seungjoon Hyun Department of Physics, Yonsei University
Seyedeh Maryam Nourbakhsh University of Semnan
Soo-Jong Rey Seoul National University & IBS
Sung Moon Ko Sogang University
Wolfgang Lerche CERN
Wonyoung Cho Sogang university
Woohyun Rim Seoul National University
Yoonji Suh Sogang University
Yuho Sakatani Seoul National University