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31 May 2015 to 5 June 2015
Santa Fe, NM, USA
America/Denver timezone

AMS Tracking

Not scheduled
Santa Fe, NM, USA

Santa Fe, NM, USA

La Fonda Hotel, 100 E. San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA,


Prof. Martin Pohl (Universite de Geneve (CH))


AMS-02 is a high precision magnetic spectrometer for cosmic rays in the GeV to TeV energy range. Its tracker consists of nine layers of double-sided silicon microstrip sensors. They are used to locate the trajectories of cosmic rays in the 0.14 T field of a cylindrical magnet, thus measuring their rigidity and charge sign. In addition, they deliver a high resolution measurement of the absolute charge |Z|. The detector has been designed to operate in space with a position resolution of about 10 µm for each hit and charge identification capabilities up to Z=26. In this talk I describe the performance in orbit of this detector component and its impact on the overall performance of the spectrometer.

Primary author

Prof. Martin Pohl (Universite de Geneve (CH))

Presentation materials

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