The storage ring based search for a charged particle electric dipole moment (EDM) has received very positive responses in the latest US High Energy physics P5 report, and the Symmetries Town Meeting for the current US Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan as well as the latest funding review by the German Helmholtz Association (HGF). To achieve the unprecedented precision of the EDM measurement requires not only a number of critical technology developments, such as polarimetry, high precision radial magnetic field measurements, high voltage electrostatic deflectors, high precision beam control, etc., but also

  • Robust and advanced numerical tracking codes for exploring various systematic effects.
  • Sophisticated lattice design tools for storage rings in the energy range of 0.7-1.5GeV/c with all electrostatic elements as well as combined magnetic and electric elements.

Currently, a number of numerical tracking codes are available for spin tracking, including SPINK, Teapot, COSY-Infinity, zgoubi, BMAD, etc. Each code has its own unique characteristics based on its algorithm and architecture. To fulfill the requirements of the storage ring based EDM search, the following capabilities are essential:

  • Accurate description of all ring elements including fringe fields.
  • Allowing various error inputs for systematics investigation.
  • Accurate implementation of RF spin manipulation elements.
  • Calculation of both orbital and spin motion with a high accuracy for over 109 orbital revolutions.
  • Allowing multipole particle tracking for exploring IBS as well as beam-beam effects.
  • User friendly graphic interfaces for extracting physical information such as orbit, betatron tune, and spin tune from tracking data.

With all these challenges ahead of us, we would like to organize a satellite meeting during the upcoming IPAC15 in Richmond, VA to identify the best approach using numerical simulation codes as well as lattice design tools. Discussions should also include how to benchmark the simulation codes against first-principle based models as well as well experimental results.

We plan to have two afternoon sessions with a mixture of short presentations and panel discussions. Currently, the satellite meeting is scheduled to be in the afternoon of May 5 and May 6 from 1:30 pm to
6 pm in Marriot Salons A/B. The meeting room will be announced as soon as it is assigned by the IPAC15 LOC coordinators. Your early attendance confirmation and suggestions are highly appreciated!

And we look forward to seeing you at IPAC15 in Richmond, VA!

Prof. Dr. Hans Stroeher, FZJ
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lehrach, FZJ
Dr. Yannis Semertzidis, BNL/CAPP/IBS
Dr. Edward Stephenson, Indiana University
Prof. Mei Bai, FZJ/BNL
