14–16 Sept 2015
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
In the tradition of the workshop, papers submitted will be published rapidly in a special issue of Cryogenics after the standard peer reviewing process.

Key dates and deadlines:
March 1st, 2015: Submission of abstracts
May 1st, 2015: Pre-registration and deadline of abstract submission
May 31st 2015: Notification of acceptance
July 15, 2015: Registration deadline

General guidelines for information to be provided with your abstract (except from “Guide for Authors” from Cryogenics website)
• Title. Concise and informative.
• Author names and affiliations. Present the authors’ affiliation addresses below the names and provide the e-mail address of each author.
• Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence at all stages. The corresponding author should be the one submitting the abstract and providing the email to be used for correspondence.
• Abstract (please try to limit your abstract to 1500 characters). The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone.

For information, an external lightweight account gives access to Indico. The application is on-line.
The call for abstracts is closed.