Vedran Brdar
(JGU Mainz)
We consider the production of keV sterile neutrinos in the cooling phase of the Supernova. A matter enhanced conversion from active to sterile neutrino is analyzed, leading to a strong bound on the sterile neutrino $\sin^2 2\theta -m_{\text{sterile}}$ parameter space from Supernova energy loss. In addition, we analyzed the impact of the standard production mechanism via interactions which is small compered to the aforementioned MSW.
We also consider $\nu_{s}\rightarrow \nu_{a}\gamma$ loop process, with respect to a possible observable photon signal, and obtain a limit using data from satellites which are sensitive in the MeV photon energy range.
Primary author
Vedran Brdar
(JGU Mainz)
Carlos Arguelles Delgado
Joachim Kopp
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))