15–19 Sept 2015
University of Warwick
Europe/London timezone

Neutrino cross section ratios at the T2K near detector

Not scheduled
Zeeman building, MS0.1 (University of Warwick)

Zeeman building, MS0.1

University of Warwick


Iain Lamont (T2K)


A study of differences in electron neutrino and muon neutrino interactions using the T2K ND280 detector will be performed in this analysis. The low peak energy of the T2K beam is ideal for studying these differences as this is the region with the largest expected difference. To cancel the large beam flux uncertainties, the ratio of the number of CCQE interactions to the number of CC inclusive interactions is calculated for nue and numu. The ratio of these ratios is then calculated to study the differences between them for energies starting at the muon production threshold to 2GeV. Understanding these ratios for both nue and numu well will help reduce the uncertainties on future oscillation measurements.

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