15–19 Sept 2015
University of Warwick
Europe/London timezone

Measurement of the Transverse Momentum and Phi^* distributions of Drell--Yan lepton pairs in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS Detector

Not scheduled
Zeeman building, MS0.1 (University of Warwick)

Zeeman building, MS0.1

University of Warwick


ATLAS Poster Presenter (ATLAS)


The ATLAS experiment measured the differential production cross-section of Drell-Yan lepton pairs in proton-proton collisions versus their transverse momentum and the phi* observable. These measurements allow for a precise test of perturbative and resummed QCD predictions and are the basis for electroweak precision measurements at the LHC, such as the measurement of the W boson mass. In this presentation, we discuss the latest results and compare them to various QCD predictions, allowing to put significant constraints on model uncertainties.


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