27 June 2016 to 2 July 2016
Collège de France
Europe/Paris timezone

Resurgence and exact quantization via holomorphic Floer cohomology

1 Jul 2016, 09:30
Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre (Collège de France)

Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre

Collège de France

11, place Marcelin-Berthelot, 75231 Paris cedex


Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)


I will present a new perspective on Riemann-Hilbert correspondence and wall-crossing based on the considerations of Fukaya categories associated with a holomorphic symplectic manifold and a possibly singular analytic Lagrangian subvariety. This framework includes holonomic D-modules (for the case of cotangent bundles) on the same footing as q-difference equations.

Presentation materials