Light in Physics

Auditório (Instituto para a Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa)


Instituto para a Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa

Avenida Professor Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003 Lisboa
André David (CERN), Joao Seixas (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part), Teresa Peña (Instituto Superior Técnico)
On December 23rd 2013 the United Nations have proclaimed the year 2015 as the International Year of Light and Technologies based on Light ( The members of the portuguese scientific community can not, of course, fail to associate themselves to this important initiative be it through scientific events about light, be it through outreach events for the general public, which highlight the central role that light plays in Technology, Science and Society ( The University of Lisbon will thus promote the conference "Light in Physics" (which starts in Portugal the activities of AIL2015 in the University of Lisbon), , the first of a series of mini-conferences which will be organized throughout the year. With the sponsoring of the Rector of the University of Lisbon and the Portuguese Physical Society, this conference will cover the most important subjects of Physics and Technology associated to light. Due to the important role that the presently called Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar of ULisboa had in the development and construction of Science in Lisbon and in the country in the past 40 years, namely in many of the scientific subjects related to this international event, the Conference will take place in the Auditorium of this Institute.
Location map
    • Abertura
      Convener: Prof. Arlindo Oliveira (Instituto Superior Técnico)
    • A Luz à escala microscópica
      Convener: Joao Seixas (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
      • 1
        Luz na Física do bosão de Higgs - brilhou na descoberta e ilumina a sua natureza
        Speaker: André David (CERN)
      • 2
        Uma solução à procura de um problema
        Speaker: Luis O. Silva (IST-IPFN)
      • 3
        Luz: Natureza, Aplicações, Ficção
        Speaker: José Manuel Rebordão (FCUL)
    • Coffee break
    • A Luz no Universo
      Convener: José Sande e Lemos (IST-CENTRA)
      • 4
        Luz em Relatividade Geral
        Speaker: Vitor Cardoso (IST-CENTRA)
      • 5
        Estrelas: detectores naturais de matéria escura
        Speaker: Ilídio Lopes (IST-CENTRA)
    • Almoço
    • A Luz e a tecnologia
      Convener: Prof. Antonio Amorim (UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA CFNUL - FCUL)
      • 6
        Comunicar com Luz
        Speaker: Eduardo Alves (IST-CTN)
      • 7
        LEDs e iluminação com LEDs
        Speaker: Katarina Lorenz (IST-CTN)
      • 8
        Recurso solar: a métrica da sustentabilidade
        Speaker: Jorge Alves (FCUL)
    • Coffee break
    • A Luz para lá do conhecido
      Convener: Teresa Peña
      • 9
        A Luz na minha vida científica: Passado, Presente e Futuro
        Speaker: Jorge Romão (IST-CFTP)
      • 10
        Iluminando a Planolândia: a importância da luz na física do grafeno e outros materiais 2D
        Speaker: Eduardo Castro (IST-CEFEMA)
    • A Luz na História e na Arte
      Convener: Ana Simões (FCUL)
      • 11
        Foi a Luz
        Speaker: Rui Serra (FBAUL)
      • 12
        A matemática domina a Luz: óptica geométrica e o trabalho de Francisco de Melo (c. 1490 - 1536)
        Speaker: Henrique Leitão (FCUL)
    • Encerramento