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Council - Hundred-and-seventy-fifth Session
60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F) (CERN)

60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F)


Show room on map
Thursday 19 March 2015 - 09:30

Thursday 19 March 2015


9.30: Restricted Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Report by the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes
   2.1 Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Seventy-Fourth Session Restricted and Closed Sessions
CERN/3162/RA/Draft English French
   2.2 Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Seventy-Fourth Session Open Session
CERN/3163/Draft English French
3. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/3164 English French
4. Matters arising from the Previous Meeting
5. President’s Report
6. Director-General’s Report
7. Developments in the Member States relevant for CERN
8. LHC Matters
   8.1 Status Report on the Shut-Down Activities (Dr F. Bordry)
   8.2 Status Report on the LHC Experiments and Computing (Dr S. Bertolucci)
9. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Ms Ch. Jamieson)
10. Standing Advisory Committee on Audits (SACA)
   10.1 Report by the Chair of SACA (Ms Ch. Jamieson)
   10.2 New questions from the Council to SACA
11. Annual Progress Report for 2014
CERN/SPC/1041 CERN/FC/5891 CERN/3165 English French
12. Plan of Measures 2015 - Impact of the Swiss Franc appreciation
13. Information on the Medium-Term Plan for the Period 2016-2020 (Director-General)
14. Proposed Amendments to the 11th Edition of the Staff Rules & Regulations
CERN/FC/5895/RA CERN/3166/RA English French
15. CERN Pension Fund
   15.1 Report by the Chair of the Governing Board (Dr T. Roth)
16. Pension Fund - Next steps
   16.1 Proposed mandate for legal opinions concerning the CERN Pension Fund
CERN/3169/RA/Rev. English French
   16.2 List of external legal experts proposed by the Member States - Presentation by the Member State delegations of the proposed external legal experts
CERN/3172/RA English French
   16.3 Possible change from defined-benefit to defined-contribution scheme – Options for the cost analysis (Buck Consultants)
17. Responses by the Pension Fund Management Unit to the set of questions by the CERN Council
CERN/FC/5897/RA CERN/3167/RA Annex English French Slides
18. Scientific Policy Committee
   18.1 Report by the Chair (Prof. T. Nakada)
   18.2 New questions from the Council to the SPC - Proposal by the Israeli delegation
CERN/3170/RA English French
19. Proposal to include HL-LHC upgrade in the ESFRI roadmap
CERN/SPC/1042/RA/Rev. CERN/3168/RA/Rev.
CERN/SPC1042/RA/Rev.2 CERN/3168/RA/Rev.2 English French
20. Initiation of the discussion on lessons learnt from the recent selection procedure of the Director-General (President of Council)
21. Confirmation of access status of documents of the Session
22. Other Business
Closed Session (CERN (60/6-015))

1. Enlargement Process
   1.1 Proposal to conclude an International Co-operation Agreement with the United States of America
CERN/3174/RA English French
   1.2 Further developments (Director-General) a)Update on the remaining applications for Membership and for Associate Membership b) Expressions of interest by other non-Member States
2. Top level Management Structure of CERN for the Years 2016-2020 by the Director General Designate
CERN/SPC/1043/RA CERN/3173/RA English French Suggestions Austrian Delegation
3. Elections
   3.1 Council: Call for nominations for the next President of Council
4. Pension Fund
   4.1 Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer of the CERN Pension Fund
CERN/3171/RA English French
   4.2 Appointment of external legal experts
5. Other business
6. Confirmation of access status of documents of the Session