Kawtar Hafidi
An Electron Ion Collider (EIC) as a future facility for Nuclear Physics is expected to be the vehicle for Nuclear science to reach the next QCD frontier. The EIC will offer a versatile range of kinematics, beam polarization, beam species and will exceed by orders of magnitudes the luminosities previously available at HERA. These uniques capabilities will be essential in unraveling the mysteries of visible matter. Understanding the complex structure of nuclei and their formation in QCD as well as their roles as QCD laboratories will be at the heart of the EIC science mission. In this talk, we will focus on possible studies of the propagation of a color charge in the nuclear medium. We will emphasize the importance of using the nucleus as a femtometer filter with variable sizes in shedding new light on hadronization dynamics and its possible dependence on the nature and kinematics of the fast moving color.
Kawtar Hafidi