Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

7–11 Sept 2015
Ecole Polytechnique
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Small-x and saturation

    QCD at high parton densities and small-x evolution: BFKL, Color Glass Condensate.

    Conveners: C. Marquet, S. Wallon

  • PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets

    Quark and gluon content of nucleons and nuclei: (nuclear) parton distribution functions, hadron and jet fragmentation

    Conveners: I. Schienbein, G. Soyez

  • Spin and 3-d structure

    Spin and 3D structure: helicity distributions, transverse momentum dependent (TMDs) and generalized parton distributions (GPDs)

    Conveners: B. Pire, S. Wallon

  • Connection with pp, pA and AA physics

    Complementarity and connections of EIC physics with p+p, p+A and A+A collisions: high-pt processes, diffraction, multi-parton interactions, quark-gluon plasma, colored probes in cold and hot nuclear matter, modifications of quarkonia production, jet formation and evolution, hadronization

    Conveners: F. Arleo, R. Dupre, G. Soyez

  • Beyond the Standard Model

    Physics beyond the Standard Model and connections to other areas in physics

    Convener: I. Schienbein

  • Future DIS facilities

    Future DIS facilities: accelerator and detector developments

    Conveners: R. Dupré, F. Sabatié