- Ingo Schienbein (Universite Joseph Fourier)
BSM session
Krishna Kumar
(Stony Brook University)
09/09/2015, 09:00
Spin and 3-d structure
Oral Presentation
The EIC will reach new frontiers in accessible center-of-mass energies and polarized luminosity. These characteristics, coupled with the event topologies in collider mode, will allow exceptionally clean and precise measurements of neutral current amplitudes over a wide range of Q2 for the first time. In this talk, we discuss the new observables that would become accessible and the resulting...
Hubert Spiesberger
(Mainz University)
09/09/2015, 09:25
Beyond the Standard Model
Oral Presentation
MESA, the Mainz Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator,
will offer the possibility to measure the scattering of polarized
electrons off protons at small energies (E=155 MeV) with very high
precision.The parity-violating polarization asymmetry is determined
by the weak charge of the proton and offers the possibility to measure
the weak mixing angle with a relative precision of...
Alba Soto Ontoso
(Universidad de Granada)
09/09/2015, 09:50
Beyond the Standard Model
Oral Presentation
We present a quantitative study of the νN cross section in the neutrino energy range
10^4< E_ν < 10^14 GeV within two transversal QCD approaches: NLO DGLAP evolution
using different sets of PDFs and BK small-x evolution with running coupling and kinematical
corrections. We show that the non-linear effects embodied in the BK equation yield a slower
raise in the cross section for E_ν>10^8...
Misha Gorshteyn
(KPH Universtät Mainz)
09/09/2015, 10:15
Beyond the Standard Model
Oral Presentation
Recent measurements of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen led to an extracted value of the proton charge radius $R^p_{\mu H}=0.84087(39)$ deviating from that obtained with a combined electronic hydrogen spectrum and electron scattering $R^p_{eH,\,e-scatt.}=0.8775(51)$ by 7 standard deviations. This discrepancy was coined "the proton radius puzzle" and has attracted much interest both on the...