PDFs Parallel
- Cédric Lorcé (University of Liege)
PDFs Parallel session
Wim Cosyn
09/09/2015, 16:10
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
We present work on a model used to describe the process of tagged spectator DIS off the deuteron. The model uses a factorized approach and includes the effect of final-state interactions at intermediate to large Bjorken $x$ through effective rescattering amplitudes of the produced hadrons $X$ with the "spectator" nucleon. Comparisons with recent Jefferson Lab data are shown and discussed,...
Marcin Stolarski
(LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
09/09/2015, 16:30
Spin and 3-d structure
Oral Presentation
COMPASS recent results on hadron, pion and kaon multiplicities will be presented. The hadron and pion data show a good agreement with (N)LO expectations and some of these
preliminary data have been already successfully incorporated in the global NLO fits to world data. However, the most important are kaon multiplicities, which can be used to extract kaon fragmentation functions. These are...
Florian Lyonnet
09/09/2015, 16:50
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
Heavy quark parton distribution functions (PDFs) play an important role in several Standard Model and New Physics processes. Most analyses rely on the assumption that the charm and bottom PDFs are generated perturbatively by gluon splitting and do not involve any non-perturbative degrees of freedom. On the other hand, non- perturbative, intrinsic heavy quark parton distributions have been...
Jacques SOFFER
(Physics Dept. TEMPLE University, Philadelphia, PA)
09/09/2015, 17:10
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
The quantum statistical parton distributions approach proposed more than one decade ago is revisited by considering a larger set of recent and accurate Deep Inelastic Scattering experimental results. It enables us to improve the description of the data by means of a new determination of the parton distributions. This global next-to-leading order QCD analysis leads to a good description of...