Future facilities
- Franck Sabatié (CEA Saclay)
Future facilities session
Paul Richard Newman
(University of Birmingham (GB))
07/09/2015, 10:40
Future DIS facilities
Oral Presentation
The LHeC project aims to supplement the LHC with a new electron accelerator in order to facilitate electron-proton and electron-ion collisions at unprecedented luminosities and centre-of-mass energies. This talk will include an update on the accelerator and detector aspects of the project. It will also survey the main physics topics of interest, including Higgs boson production and parton...
Vladimir Litvinenko
(Stony Brook University)
07/09/2015, 11:05
Future DIS facilities
Oral Presentation
In this talk I will present most recent design of electron-ion collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory, eRHIC. In eRHIC we would collide polarized electrons (energy from 5 to 21.2 GeV) with polarized protons (energy from 100 GeV to 250 GeV), polarized He3-ion and heavy ions (energy from 50 to 100 GeV/u). Based on linac-ring design, eRHIC will cover the full range of c.m. energies covered in...
Charles Hyde
(Old Dominion University)
07/09/2015, 11:30
Future DIS facilities
Oral Presentation
The MEIC design includes two Interaction Points (IPs), each of which can operate simultaneously at full luminosity. Each IP is located near the downstream ends of the ion arc and of the electron straight section. This minimizes backgrounds from both synchrotron radiation and ion beam-gas interactions. The detector and beam-line optics for IP1 are designed to be nearly hermetic for all...
Fulvia Pilat
(Department of Physics)
07/09/2015, 11:55
Future DIS facilities
Oral Presentation
I will discuss the overall design of the MEIC accelerator complex at Jefferson Lab with particular focus on the design optimization achieved over the past 12-15 months.
The baseline is mature, a first pass cost estimate has been completed and the overall technical risk has been minimized. I will then outline the plan for the necessary accelerator R&D, preliminary results and future challenges.