- Gregory Soyez (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
- Markus Diehl (DESY)
PDFs session
Fred Olness
(Southern Methodist University)
09/09/2015, 11:00
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
nPDF global analyses typically impose strong kinematic cuts on the data sets to avoid theoretically complicated regions. High-statistics measurements from an EIC could provide the precision to explore these extreme limits of QCD including hi-x, low-Q, small-x, intrinsic flavor, & nuclear matter effects. New EIC measurements would yield improved precision for nPDFs, thereby driving theoretical...
Shunzo Kumano
09/09/2015, 11:25
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
I report our recent studies on nuclear structure functions. First, nuclear parton distribution functions are determined by analyzing high-energy nuclear reaction data. Using charged-lepton and neutrino scattering data, we investigate whether there are significant differences between nuclear modifications in the charged-lepton and neutrino reactions. This issue was first pointed out by the...
Aleksander Kusina
(LPSC Grenoble)
09/09/2015, 11:50
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
We present the first official release of the nCTEQ nuclear parton distribution functions with errors. The main addition to the previous nCTEQ PDFs is the introduction of PDF uncertainties based on the Hessian method. Another important addition is the inclusion of pion production data from RHIC giving us a handle to constrain gluon PDF. In this presentation we briefly discuss the framework of...
Claire Gwenlan
(University of Oxford (GB))
10/09/2015, 11:00
Future DIS facilities
Oral Presentation
The Large Hadron-Electron Collider LHeC is a proposed upgrade of the LHC to study ep/eA collisions in the TeV regime, by adding a 60 GeV electron beam through an Energy Recovery Linac. New evaluations are presented on the prospects for precisely determining the proton PDFs, with complete flavour unfolding in a single experiment, and the strong coupling constant with per mille accuracy.
Max Klein
(University of Liverpool (GB))
10/09/2015, 11:25
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
The Large Hadron-Electron Collider LHeC is a proposed upgrade of the LHC to study ep/eA collisions in the TeV regime, by adding a 60 GeV electron beam through an Energy Recovery Linac. In this talk new results are presented on the physics prospects on energy frontier eA collisions with this machine, with emphasis new results on the precise determination of nuclear parton densities.
Fernanda Steffens
(DESY - Zeuthen)
10/09/2015, 11:50
PDFs and nPDFs, FFs and jets
Oral Presentation
We present results for our exploratory study for the direct evaluation of the parton distribution functions from lattice QCD. We present encouraging results using Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass fermions with a pion mass of about 370 MeV, for unpolarized and polarized nonsinglet distributions. We also test the effect of gauge link smearing in the operator to estimate the influence of the Wilson...