- Raphael Dupre (IPN Orsay)
- Francois Arleo (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
pp-pA-AA session
Francois Gelis
08/09/2015, 09:00
Connection with pp, pA and AA physics
Oral Presentation
In this talk, I will discuss heavy ion collisions from the point of view of the Color Glass Condensate framework, in which the colliding nuclei are described as collections of light-cone color sources. Part of my presentation will be devoted on factorization and the universal aspects of the CGC that are common to eA, pA and AA collisions. Then, I will turn to the more AA-specific question of...
Elena Petreska
(Ecole Polytechnique)
08/09/2015, 09:25
Connection with pp, pA and AA physics
Oral Presentation
We propose a factorization formula for the cross section for forward di-jet production in dilute-dense collisions. The new formula is applicable for an arbitrary value of the momentum imbalance of the two jets, $k_t$. This generalizes the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization formula that has been derived before by Dominguez et al. Their formula is valid only for small values of...
Sebastian Piotr Sapeta
08/09/2015, 09:50
Connection with pp, pA and AA physics
Oral Presentation
We study inclusive dijet production at small x in hadronic collisions. We show that the commonly used High Energy Factorization approach can be motivated in this context in a specific window where the transverse momentum imbalance of the dijet system is much smaller than the transverse momenta of the individual jets, but still much larger than the saturation scale. Then we extend the framework...
Stephane Peigne
08/09/2015, 10:15
Connection with pp, pA and AA physics
Oral Presentation
In high-energy p-A collisions, hadron production at large enough rapidity and moderate pt is suppressed compared to p-p collisions. An important effect contributing to such a nuclear suppression is the medium-induced, coherent gluon radiation associated to the underlying partonic process. I will review the main features of induced coherent radiation, and show the predictions for quarkonium and...
Guilherme Teixeira De Almeida Milhano
(Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
11/09/2015, 13:45
Connection with pp, pA and AA physics
Oral Presentation
I will argue that full understanding of pp, pA and AA data requires input from an eA by discussing specific open questions that have arisen in pp, pA and AA collisions at the LHC.
Kawtar Hafidi
11/09/2015, 14:10
Oral Presentation
An Electron Ion Collider (EIC) as a future facility for Nuclear Physics is expected to be the vehicle for Nuclear science to reach the next QCD frontier. The EIC will offer a versatile range of kinematics, beam polarization, beam species and will exceed by orders of magnitudes the luminosities previously available at HERA. These uniques capabilities will be essential in unraveling the...
Markus Diehl
11/09/2015, 14:35
Connection with pp, pA and AA physics
Oral Presentation
In high-energy proton-proton collisions, interactions between "spectator partons" are inevitable. Collisions with two hard parton-level scatters can contribute to important channels at the LHC. This mechanism probes interesting aspects of hadron structure, with several relations to EIC physics. I give an introduction to multiparton scattering and highlight some some of these aspects.
Mark Strikman
(Penn State University)
11/09/2015, 15:00
Oral Presentation
We explain that a wide range of high energy nuclear phenomena is related to the phenomenon of fluctuations of strength of interaction of the projectile with nucleons (color fluctuations) and large coherence length of the interaction. Connection of the color fluctuation phenomenon to the mechanism of the leading twist shadowing is reviewed, predictions of the theory are compared to the...
Boris Kopeliovich
11/09/2015, 15:25
Oral Presentation
Charmonia produced on nuclear targets have always been a supplier of unexpected effects and puzzles. While some of them seem to be well understood, many others are still under debate. New precise measurements of electron-ion collisions are expected settle these challenging problems.