27–29 Apr 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Scientific Programme

The detailed programme of the workshop is now almost complete. The current timetable describes the organization of the sessions and their detailed content. The list of talks and speakers is almost complete. The sessions are organized around the INFIERI workpackages. It follows the travel of the signal processing from the Intelligent Front End processing on detectors (WP1) to the Far End Processing including High Performance Computing (WP4), data transmission technologies (WP3), with emphasis on 3D interconnect related technologies (WP2) and developments of transversal tools (WP5) and integration test benches (WP6). Each section will include a part which summarizes the present status of the work by the INFIERI members. Another part will be dedicated to invited talks, related to the WP scientific and technological objectives, given mainly by CERN experts or external invited experts from Industry and Academics. The talks reporting on the ongoing work achieved in INFIERI will preferably be given by the young INFIERI fellows (both EU or non EU appointed). A series of seminars will focus on the main research and R&D streams related to INFIERI objectives (new Si sensor technologies, related signal processing on the FEE and far End, data transmission, High performance computing) and on some of the most important future projects in Particle Physics and Astrophysics. They will be given by experts in the domain.