LAPTH seminars

Composite Higgs models of type Little Higgs - Status in 2015

by juergen reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany)

LAPTh Petit Amphi (LAPTh Petit Amphi)

LAPTh Petit Amphi

LAPTh Petit Amphi


Composite Higgs models provide an explanation for the existence of a boson mediating electroweak symmetry breaking by a mechanism copiously seen in Nature : bound states of a strongly coupled system. Little Higgs models are a special type of these models with an additional symmetry structure making them even more natural from the point of view of hierarchies of involved scales. We discuss the status of the allowed parameter space of these models, taking into account electroweak precision observables from SLC, LEP, and Tevatron, the LHC Higgs data, as well as searches for new heavy particles at ATLAS and CMS and partially also Dark Matter searches. Finally, we give an outlook for the upcoming LHC run(s)