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MICE executive board

phone conference

phone conference

Alain Blondel (University of Geneva)
MICE-Executive Board 2008-07-25 ----------------------------------------- NOTES present: Alain Blondel Vittorio Palladino Andy Nicols John Cobb Ken Long Alan Bross Mike Zisman Maurizio Bonesini excused: Malcolm Ellis not present Yoshi Kuno, Shigeru Ishimoto -- standing item Project manager report (Nichols) decay solenoid cryo issues oil spillage, etc. etc. What a story! need to push with high priority since this unknown needs to be clarified asap. Every move has been made to to as fast as possible. No action, continue. North wall expected time of termination: end september. As is not likely to interfere with spectrometer. Every interest to having this out of the way. LH2 program will be resumed .... needs other HAZOP and safety review, planned in september Actions: 1. magnetic calculations to false floor should be written up and MICE-noted 2. make sure Liq Hyd review is planned long enough in advance and done carefully with TB. -- status of... *decay solenoid (Andy), see slides.... will resume cooling as soon as possible *spectrometer solenoid (MikeZ), lots of information. Magnet has too large a heat load. possible surprise with the power supplies how to solve the cool down problem? (Wang vs M.Green) possibility to use a large Liq N2 buffer dewar? training problem (Wang using own power supply?) Strong opinion in favour of a well motivated solution (rather than ad-hoc, liable to cast on the long run) Question of whether to skip the magnetic measurements in order to ensure step II in 2008. some points expressed in the discussion follow point number one: MICE wants these magnetic measurements to be done and done well. (not necessarily before step II, but sometimes) point number two: we may need to make the decision to ship solenoid to RAL directly at a time where we will not know if there will be ISIS run in Jan-Mar 2009. point three: skipping the mag measurements this summer will imply either a) shipping the sol back to FNAL or to b) shipping the zip track to RAL, or c) using another measurement system. actions 1. clarify ISIS schedule (Ken investigate) 2. study time plus cost of mounting and disgarnishing the Spectrometer solenoid (Andy) 3. study the option that the zip track comes to RAL and measurements are done at RAL (Alan Bross) 4. evaluate the impact on the rest to the program at RAL should be evaluated Ken, Andy 5. search for different measurement system (Is there a system at CERN?) --> Alain (to ask Stéphane Rangot and J.-P.Koutchouk) 6. doing it together with step IV (John Cobb)? *TOF1(Maurizio) action by Maurizio to send message to Alain CC: Yoshi requesting gentle pressure by Japanese colleagues to Hammamatsu *target and related studies (Ken) wed meeting R78 targets are running checked by MOM and shifter. Will be running for a week and hen will be considered 'good enough to install'. Pros and cons of changing target in ISIS -- the targetI will stay in ISIS for now. Target IIa ia under test and target IIb will be in spare. need to do: activation and getting more particles ... think for a while and do simulations for the next target to be put in the beam. Changes in orientation and material can then be implemented. -- MICE phase II UK funding, outcome of OsC (K. Long) the recommandations by STFC that funding would be at level of 1.3 + 3*1.8 (M£) lead to a proposal by MICE UK to - retain staff required to design RF-power distribution system; - argue that capital investment for RF-power distribution (£1.5M) must be found by from Well Found Laboratory ==> RF-power distribution design review in September Seek savings through re-design and re-use of existing equipment this proposal was REJECTED by the OsC committee. It also leads to step VI completion date being completely unknown Action: revue of situation by Alain Mike Andy and Ken on august 1st in person meeting. Will evaluate possibilities of other contributions from the collaboration. (i.e. 201.MHz RF equipment?) -- collaboration meeting in October (Ken's transparencies) AB and MZ will take care of agenda. Preference to hold Exec board on tuesday evening rather than wednesday morning. -- speakers bureau report (Palladino) Vittorio doing his best to get talks and to get people to do rehersals etc... OK to have rehersals at ~every video conf, if number os one on average. action for Vittorio: collect deserving people in work areas from WBS leaders intemporally and prior to asking CB to nominate their own people. Both independently of specific conferences. -- MICE papers (Dan Kaplan) see summary. Quite a bit of slack in the write ups. Action: ask speakers to submit their write ups as mice notes systematically, and not only to the conferences. (Dan)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
  • Friday 25 July
    • 13:30 13:40
      -- standing item Project manager report (Nichols) 10m
    • 13:40 13:55
      -- status of decay solenoid (Andy), spectrometer solenoid (MikeZ), TOF1(Maurizio), target and related studies (Ken) 15m
    • 13:55 14:15
      -- MICE phase II UK funding, outcome of OsC (K. Long) 20m
    • 14:15 14:30
      -- collaboration meeting in october (Ken) 15m
    • 14:30 14:50
      -- speakers bureau report (Palladino) 20m
    • 14:50 15:10
      -- MICE papers (Dan Kaplan) 20m