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2–4 Sept 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
Conference web-site <a href="" target="A path towards TMD extraction - ECSAC Conference Trieste, Italy">TMDe2015</a>

Asymmetry measurements in e+e-: methods, open points and perspectives

3 Sept 2015, 15:40
Giambiagi Lecture Hall (Trieste)

Giambiagi Lecture Hall


Adriatico guesthouse, lower level 1 ICTP - Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste Italy


Anselm Vossen


some points which I think wold be valuable to discuss -The correct frame to extract azimuthal correlations in e+e-: The theory is mostly worked out for back-to-back hadrons. However, for experimental and theoretical reasons, two other methods are used: The 'thrust' method and lately modulations in jets. What are the consequences for fits? E.g. are evolution effects different for jets? Will it be possible to use measurements with two soft scales (as thrust or jet method) in global fits? -Extraction of the multidimensional dependence of fragmentation functions: I saw that you plan to have an extensive discussion at of this point. From the e+e- POV the question is probably which kinematic region is in particular important for SIDIS, p+p. There is also a specific IFF question about the importance to extract the different partial wave contributions separately. -Can we formulate observables that are sensitive to Twist3 fragmentation functions in e+e-? I am thinking here about the recently proposed framework by Kanazawa, Koike, Metz and Pitonyak and the twist3 FF that doesn't have a counterpart in the TMD framework. I think it might be difficult to observe in e+e- but maybe worth a discussion. -We use double ratios to cancel acceptance effects and effects from radiative gluons. The effects from radiative gluons are small in simulation. How useful are complicated double ratios in global analysis, e.g. for pi0 we use (pi0pi++pi0pi-)/(pi+p++pi-pi-)
Session 5: TMD fragmentation functions in e+e- and SIDIS processes

Primary author

Anselm Vossen

Presentation materials