2–4 Sept 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
Conference web-site <a href="http://ecsac.ictp.it/ecsac15" target="A path towards TMD extraction - ECSAC Conference Trieste, Italy">TMDe2015</a>

Scientific Programme

The workshop is organised in sessions mainly consisting of round table discussions, with a few short introductory talks. The sessions are:

  • Session 1: TMD evolution
    Chairpersons: Mauro Anselmino, Barbara Pasquini
  • Session 2: Higher twist and target fragmentation effects
    Chairpersons: Vincenzo Barone, Marco Mirazita
  • Session 3: TMDs from unpolarised SIDIS data (pT distributions, azimuthal asymmetries)
    Chairpersons: Alessandro Bacchetta, Silvia Pisano, Patrizia Rossi
  • Session 4: TMDs from azimuthal asymmetries in transversely and longitudinally polarized SIDIS
    Chairpersons: Mauro Anselmino, Marco Contalbrigo
  • Session 5: TMD fragmentation functions in e+e- and SIDIS processes
    Chairpersons: Franco Bradamante, Andrea Bressan, Marco Radici
  • Session 6: New data analysis methods ("4p" and multiD measurements, weighted asymmetries, use of generators ...)
    Chairpersons: Alessandro Bacchetta, Anna Martin, Marco Radici
  • Session 7: New channels: Λ, J/Ψ, high pT pairs … production in SIDIS
    Chairpersons: Franco Bradamante, Andrea Bressan, Marco Radici 

plus a final session dedicated to the workshop conclusions.

Participants are expected to actively participate in the discussions. Suggestions on specific points to be discussed and short interventions of a few slides are welcome.

The timetable will be kept flexible. The tentative timetable can be found in the corresponding page.

Important: on September 2 the workshop will start at 8:45 ! Registration will open at 8:00 at the Adriatico guesthouse.