CMS Data Analysis School

Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea


Registration for the CMS Data Analysis School (CMSDAS)  at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.  (25 - 29, 2015) is now open via this indico page. The registration fee for the school is $270 for early registration and $300 for late registration   Space is limited so sign up for CMSDAS@ KNU today!

CMS members from all regions are welcome to attend CMSDAS@LPC

The CMSDAS@KNU Local  Organizing Committee Chairs:

Guinyun Kim


More  info about CMSDAS can be found below:

CMSDAS is designed to help CMS physicists from across the collaboration to learn, or to learn more, about CMS analysis and thereby to participate in significant ways in any physics analysis including future discoveries. It enables physicists beginning analysis to easily join an ongoing analysis in a productive way.   Since 2012, our first global year, schools were held at FNAL, Pisa, Taipei, DESY, and Kolkata. More than 400 CMS students have now participated in the program. The format for each CMSDAS is very similar and some of the same facilitators attend each school.

A few key components of the  CMSDAS School are  required “homework”,  assigned to registrants prior to attending the school  and the sessions during the workshop whicl emphasize "hands on" work with CMS data. Each school starts with a morning devoted to inspirational plenary talks.  The essential features of the school are the execution of a series of short and long exercises.

Prior to the school, attendees are required to complete a list of pre-exercises in order to be able to tackle more realistic problems at the tutorial sessions. There include for example,  introducing CMSSW, DBS, fitting, etc. which ensures a fast start at the event.

The short exercises (several hours duration) cover all of the objects from jets to muons and many techniques from event generators to setting upper limits occur during the first half of the school. In the second half of the school detailed physics measurements are performed with the CMS data set (the long exercises) in a 2.5 day intensive period by focused teams of about 6-8 students. Both the short and long exercises are designed and facilitated by teams of 2-3 CMS experts. Some long exercises go beyond the current state of the art of the corresponding CMS analysis. Thus providing opportunities to  get plugged in to a CMS measurement through a long exercise at the school and become a part of the CMS measurement team on the paper.

The CMS School's Committee:

Kai-Feng Chen (NTU)
Boaz Klima (FNAL)
Lothar Bauerdick (FNAL)
Sudhir Malik (Chair)(UPRM)
Fabrizio Palla (INFN)
Gigi Rolandi (CERN/Pisa)
Thomas Schoerner (DESY)
Claudia Wulz (Vienna)


  • Aashaq Hussain Shah
  • Amol Hindurao Jaikar
  • Ari Lee
  • Arif Ullah
  • Beomgon Kim
  • Binghuan Li
  • Byeong-hak Ko
  • Byoungjun Kim
  • Cilicia Uzziel Perez
  • Dajeong Jeon
  • Dong Ho Moon
  • Dongsub Lee
  • Dooyeon Gyun
  • Geonhee Oh
  • Geonmo Ryu
  • Guinyun Kim
  • Hammid Yusupov
  • Haneol Lee
  • Hwi Dong Yoo
  • Hyun-Soo Kim
  • Hyunchul Kim
  • Hyunyong Kim
  • Inkyu Park
  • Intae Yu
  • Jae Hoon Lim
  • Jae Sung Kim
  • Jaegyun Park
  • Jaeyong Lee
  • Jaeyun Choi
  • Jason Lee
  • Jeongeun Lee
  • Ji Hwan Bhyun
  • Junghwan Goh
  • Junho Kim
  • Junho Lee
  • Kai-Feng Chen
  • Khakimjan Butanov
  • Kisoo Lee
  • Kyeongpil Lee
  • Kyungwook Nam
  • Mingshui Chen
  • Minkyoo Choi
  • Minsuk Kim
  • Nackyoung Yang
  • Namgyun Jeong
  • Sang Il Park
  • Sangeun Lee
  • Sangwook Bae
  • Sehwook Lee
  • Seo Hyeon An
  • Seungkyu Ha
  • SeungWoo Seo
  • Sezen Sekmen
  • Sihyun Jeon
  • Songkyo Lee
  • Su Min Jeong
  • Su Yong Choi
  • Sungbin Oh
  • Syed Asif Raza Shah
  • Tae Jeong Kim
  • Waleed Esmail
  • Wen-Liang Huang
  • Yeon-Jae Jwa
  • Yeonjun Kim
  • Yi-Mu Chen
  • Yong Hoon Lee
  • Yongho Jeong
  • Youn Jung Roh
  • Young Gun Jeong
  • Young-Kwon Jo
  • Youngdo Oh
    • 1
      Registration and Tutorial Preparation Lobby 2F

      Lobby 2F

    • Plenary 201


      Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

      • 10:00
        Tea Time
      • 2
        Speaker: Prof. Dongchul Son (Kyungpook National University (KR))
      • 3
        The CMS Data Analysis School
        Speaker: Prof. Suyong Choi (Korea University (KR))
      • 4
        CMS Computing
        Speaker: Prof. Guinyun Kim (Kyungpook National University (KR))
      • 5
        LHC primer
        Speaker: Prof. Inkyu Park (University of Seoul, Department of Physics (KR))
      • 11:45
        Group Photo
    • 12:00
    • Plenary 201


      Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

      • 6
        CMS Physics Overview and Outlook (Jack Kai-Feng Chen)
      • 7
        From data to models to theories: Correct ways to interpreting data (Pyungwon Ko)
      • 14:30
        Tea Time
    • Short Exercises in Parallel Period 1
      • 8
        B-tagging (Sehwook Lee, Youngdo Oh) 201


      • 9
        Electron (Youn Roh, Minsuk Kim) 203


      • 10
        Jet/Met (Sangeun Lee, Jason Lee) 209


      • 11
        Muon (Jungwhan Goh, Taejeong Kim) 309


      • 12
        Trigger (Hwidong Yoo, Dongho Moon) 310


    • 18:00
      Welcome reception Renaissance 17F

      Renaissance 17F

      Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

    • Short Exercises in Parallel Period 2,3
      • 13
        B-tagging (Sehwook Lee, Youngdo Oh) 201


      • 14
        Electron (Youn Roh, Minsuk Kim) 203


      • 15
        Jet/Met (Sangeun Lee, Jason Lee) 209


      • 16
        Muon (Jungwhan Goh, Taejeong Kim) 309


      • 17
        Trigger (Hwidong Yoo, Dongho Moon) 310


      • 10:30
        Tea Time Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

        Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

    • 12:00
    • Short Exercises in Parallel Period 4,5
      • 18
        B-tagging (Sehwook Lee, Youngdo Oh) 201


      • 19
        Electron (Youn Roh, Minsuk Kim) 203


      • 20
        Jet/Met (Sangeun Lee, Jason Lee) 209


      • 21
        Muon (Jungwhan Goh, Taejeong Kim) 309


      • 22
        Trigger (Hwidong Yoo, Dongho Moon) 310


      • 15:00
        Tea Time Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

        Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

    • Long Exercises
      • 23
        SUSY (Sezen Sekmen, Hwidong Yoo, Minsuk Kim) 201


      • 24
        Top1 (Taejeong Kim, Youn Roh, Geonmo Ryu) 203


      • 25
        Top2 (Sehwook Lee, Jungwhan Goh) 209


      • 26
        Z, Z prime (Jason Lee, Hyunyong Kim, Youngdo Oh) 309


      • 10:30
        Tea Time Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

        Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

    • Lunch
    • Tour
      • 13:00
        Bulguksa in Kyungju
      • 13:00
        City Tour in Daegu
    • Long Exercises contd.
      • 27
        SUSY (Sezen Sekmen, Hwidong Yoo, Minsuk Kim) 201


      • 28
        Top1 (Taejeong Kim, Youn Roh, Geonmo Ryu) 203


      • 29
        Top2 (Sehwook Lee, Jungwhan Goh) 209


      • 30
        Z, Z prime (Jason Lee, Hyunyong Kim, Youngdo Oh) 309


      • 10:30
        Tea Time Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

        Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea

    • 12:00
    • Long Exercises contd.
      • 15:00
        Tea Time
    • 18:00
    • Work on Long Exercises continue
    • 31
      Long Exercises Contd. (Teams Write up Results of Long Exercises)
    • 11:00
      Tea Time
    • Mini-Symposium - Team Reports: Order of reports below to be determined by a ballot at 10:00
      • 32
        Report - 1
      • 33
        Report - 2
      • 34
        Report - 3
      • 35
        Report - 4
    • 13:00
    • Mini-Symposium - Team Reports contd. & Conclusion
      • 36
        Report - 5
      • 37
        Report - 6
      • 38
        Report - 7
      • 39
        Report - 8
      • 40
      • 41
        Judges Reports and Adjourn
    • 16:25
      Tea Time