15–19 Feb 2016
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

High rate, fast timing Glass RPC for the high eta CMS muon detectors

Not scheduled
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
Board: 33
Poster Gaseous Detectors


Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))


To improve the muon trigger efficiency of the high eta region of the CMS experiment and to cope with the expected luminosity increase in the second phase of the LHC, new RPC detectors using low-resistivity materials are proposed to equip part of the high-eta region. Several beam tests at DESY and CERN have shown that new detectors using low resistivity glass (of less than 1010 Ω.cm) could stand particle rates of few kHz/cm2 in its single-gap version and few tens of KHz/cm2 in its multi-gap version. Test of several months at GIF has confirmed the robustness of such detectors and new tests in the new GIF++ facility are planned to complete the study. In parallel the excellent timing the RPC and MRPC could provide will be exploited by developing a new low-noise ASIC equipped with precise TDC device.


Ms Fuyue Wang (Tsinghua University) Maxime Gouzevitch (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))


Mr Bo Xie (Tsinghua University) Prof. Han Dong (Tsinghua University) Mr Pengfei Lyu (Tsinghua University) Yi Wang (Tsinghua University) Prof. yuanjing Li (Tsinghua University)

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