15–19 Feb 2016
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Upgrades of the CMS outer tracker detector for the HL-LHC

17 Feb 2016, 11:55
EI7 (Vienna University of Technology)


Vienna University of Technology

Talk Semiconductor Detectors Semiconductor Detectors


Giacomo Sguazzoni (INFN (IT))


The LHC machine is planning an upgrade program which will smoothly bring the luminosity up to or above 5*10^34/cm2/s sometimes after 2024, to possibly reach an integrated luminosity of 3000/fb at the end of that decade. In this ultimate scenario, called Phase-2, when LHC will reach the High Luminosity (HL-LHC) phase, CMS will need a completely new Tracker detector, in order to fully exploit the high-demanding operating conditions and the delivered luminosity. The new Tracker should have also trigger capabilities. To achieve such goals, R&D activities are ongoing to explore options and develop solutions that would allow including tracking information at Level-1. The design choices for the CMS Outer Tracker upgrades are discussed along with some highlights of the R&D activities.


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