Andrii Nagai
(The Laboratory of the Linear Accelerator (LAL))
This work presents a model describing the IV characteristics of SiPM detectors allowing to easily determine important physics parameters like breakdown voltage $V_{BD}$ and triggering probability $P_{Geiger}$. The proposed model provides a good description of experimental data taken with SiPM at different temperatures ($-35^0C$ to $+35^0C$) over a very wide range of currents, from $10^{-11}$A up to $10^{-4}$A. The model allows determination of the SiPM characteristics, $V_{BD}$ and $P_{Geiger}$, which are found to be in good agreement with those determined from AC measurements. If the SiPM $\mu cell$ capacitance is known (from CV or AC measurements) the model can be used to determine a detector thermal rate.