Yusuke Uchiyama
(The University of Tokyo)
We have developed a timing detector with a ~ 30 ps time resolution for the measurement of ~ 50 MeV/c positron in the MEG II experiment using fast scintillator and SiPM. The adoption of SiPM allows flexible layout of the detector with high segmentation as well as a high precision time measurement due to the intrinsic properties. The detector is composed of 512 fast-plastic-scintillator counters. Six SiPMs from AdvanSiD, connected in series, are attached to each end of the scintillator to gain the photo-sensor coverage. The target resolution is achieved by measuring each particle’s time with multiple (on average 9) counters. A systematic R&D for maximizing the single counter time resolution and a series of beam tests to demonstrate the time-resolution improvement with multi-counter measurements were performed, and 30 ps resolution was achieved with 8-counter measurement. Now the detector R&D was completed and the construction is under-way. We have built 1/4 of the full detector so far, and a pilot run is foreseen this December using ~$10^8$/s muon beam, whose results will also be reported.
Yusuke Uchiyama
(The University of Tokyo)
Flavio Gatti
(University and INFN of Genova)
Gianluigi Boca
(Universita' di Pavia and INFN)
Giulio Pizzigoni
(University and INFN of Genova)
Kohei Yoshida
(University of Tokyo (JP))
Marcello Simonetta
(INFN Pavia)
Massimo Rossella
(Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))
Matteo De Gerone
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Miki Nishimura
(The University of Tokyo)
Mitsutaka Nakao
(University of Tokyo (JP))
Wataru Ootani
(ICEPP, University of Tokyo)
paolo walter cattaneo