Mariana Rihl
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))
The LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO) is used to reconstruct beam-gas interaction
vertices which allows one to obtain precise profiles of the LHC beams.
In LHCb, this information is combined with the profile of the reconstructed
beam-beam collisions and with the LHC beam currents to perform precise
measurements of the luminosity.
This beam-gas imaging (BGI) method also allows one to study the transverse beam
shapes, beam positions and angles in real time. Therefore, a demonstrator
beam-gas vertex detector (BGV) based on scintillating fibre modules has been
built and installed in LHC Ring 2 (at point 4). We present first results of
the commissioning of this device and compare with recent results obtained in
the LHCb experiment.
Mariana Rihl
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))