Nicola Casali
CUPID is a proposed future ton-scale bolometric neutrinoless double beta decay ( DBD) experiment to probe the Majorana nature of neutrinos and discover Lepton Number Violation in the so-called inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass. In order to achieve this sensitivity improvement with respect to the current bolometric experiments, the source mass must be increased and the backgrounds in the region of interest dramatically reduced. The background suppression can be achieved detecting the different light yield emitted by and events in a scintillating bolometer. The increase in the number of DBD emitters demand for crystals grown with enriched material. LUCIFER, the first demonstrator of CUPID, aims at running the first array of enriched scintillating Zn Se bolometers (total mass of about 9 kg of Se) with a background level as low as counts/(keV kg y) in the energy region of interest. We show the results of the first measurement performed on Zn Se enriched bolometers operated deep underground in the Hall C of Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
Nicola Casali