15–19 Feb 2016
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Photon counting with a FDIRC Cherenkov prototype readout by SiPM arrays

16 Feb 2016, 14:50
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
Talk Cherenkov Detectors Cherenkov


Prof. Pier Simone Marrocchesi (University of Siena (IT) and INFN Pisa)


A prototype of a Focused Internal Reflection Cherenkov, equipped with 16 arrays of NUV-SiPM, was tested at CERN SPS in March 2015 with beams of relativistic ions at 13 and 30 GeV/n obtained from fragmentation of an Ar primary beam. The detector, designed to identify cosmic nuclei, features a Fused Silica radiator bar optically connected to a cylindrical mirror, of the same material, and an imaging focal plane of dimensions ~4 cm x 3 cm, covered with a total of 1024 SIPM photosensors. Thanks to the outstanding performance of the SiPM arrays, the detector could be operated in photon counting mode as a fully digital device. The Cherenkov pattern was recorded together with the total number of detected photoelectrons increasing as Z2 as a function of the atomic number Z of the beam particle. In this paper, we report on the characterization and test of the SiPM arrays and the performance of the Cherenkov prototype in the charge identification of the beam particles.


Prof. Pier Simone Marrocchesi (University of Siena (IT) and INFN Pisa)


Dr Andrea Basti (Univ. of Pisa and INFN) Dr Arta Sulaj (Univ. of Siena and INFN Pisa) Dr Caterina Checchia (Univ. of Padova and INFN) Dr Claudio Piemonte (Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK(, Trento, IT) Dr Francesco Stolzi (Univ. of Siena and INFN Pisa) Dr Gabriele Bigongiari (Univ. of Siena and INFN Pisa) Dr Gianmaria Collazuol (Univ. of Padova and INFN) Dr JungEun Suh (Univ. of Siena and INFN Pisa) Dr Maria Grazia Bagliesi (Univ. of Siena, IT) Dr Paolo Brogi (Univ. of Siena and INFN Pisa, IT) Dr Paolo Maestro (Univ. of Siena and INFN Pisa) Dr Simone Bonechi (Univ. of Siena and INFN Pisa)

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