15–19 Feb 2016
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Surface effects in segmented silicon sensors

16 Feb 2016, 14:50
EI7 (Vienna University of Technology)


Vienna University of Technology

Talk Semiconductor Detectors Semiconductor Detectors


Dr Joern Schwandt (University of Hamburg)


The voltage stability, the charge-collection properties and the dark current of segmented silicon sensors are influenced by the charge and potential distributions on the sensor surface, the charge distribution in the oxide and passivation layers, and by Si-SiO$_2$ interface states. To better understand these complex phenomena, measure¬ments on test structures and sensors, as well as TCAD simulations including surface and interface effects are being performed at the Hamburg Detector Lab. The main results of these studies are presented and some tentative conclusions, which are relevant for the sensor design, are drawn.


Dr Joern Schwandt (University of Hamburg)


Dr Eckhart Fretwurst (University of Hamburg) Prof. Erika Garutti (Hamburg University (DE)) Mr Ioannis Kopsalis (University of Hamburg) Prof. Robert Klanner (University of Hamburg)

Presentation materials